Seen a koala recently in the North West? Let LLS know

In a recent media release from the LLS, they mentioned there have been reports of koalas seen in the Tamworth, Moore Creek, Moonbi, Dungowan, Woolomin and Wallabadah areas and it is likely that there are more in other areas not yet known.

This project is supported by North West Local Land Services, through funding from the Australian Government. Senior Land Services Officer with North West Local Land Services, Angela Baker said in partnership with North West Ecological Services (Phil Spark) we will use these public sightings to identify locations to conduct koala scat surveys using a detector dog over spring and summer 2022-23.

“You may see the survey team out and about, feel free to say hello,” Ms Baker said. “The sighting report will collect a detailed location and an approximate date of the sighting. “

You can choose to remain anonymous however if you wish to be contacted regarding potential survey sites and/or to be in the running for a $500 voucher to purchase native trees, contact information will be required.

“The sighting information will not be used for any other purpose.” Since the decline of koalas in Gunnedah, it has become very important to survey the slopes area as little is known about these koala populations, their health status and the type of vegetation being utilised.

This information will help direct future investment to protect any populations found. To report a sighting, visit: If you have any questions, please contact Angela Baker ( or 0429 368 693). Media Contact For more information, please contact Jacqui Grellman via

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Our members often say that when you become part of Landcare, you’re not just joining a group, you’re becoming part of a family. The concept is so compatible with Australian culture it’s hard not to get involved! By becoming a TRLA member, you’ll be supporting our work, learning new skills, becoming part of the solution, and helping to make a difference for the future.


together we can make a difference

funding support

Did you know (TRLA) run an Annual Small Grants program for Landcare activities connected to the Tamworth region.

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