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Bogong moths in Willow Tree

On 15th April, 30 or so Bogong moths visited my house in Willow Tree – clustering at the kitchen and laundry windows. I’ve lived in the area for 15 years and have never seen these numbers before! 

Quick guide to winter proofing your house

For homeowners with older houses looking to reduce cold, improve heating, and lower energy costs, several practical measures can be taken. Enhance insulation by using heavy, lined curtains, installing pelmets, and sealing gaps in windows and doors with insulation strips or caulk. Address drafts around doors with door snakes and weather stripping. Seal unused fireplaces, old heaters, and fixed vents to prevent heat loss. Cover evaporative cooling units and use magnetic strips to seal them in winter. Fill gaps around pipes and joints with silicone sealant or expanding foam. Use rugs and carpets to insulate floors, and open blinds during the day to let in sunlight. Implementing these steps can significantly enhance warmth and energy efficiency in older homes.

Composted Soil Conditioner is available now

Composted Soil Conditioner is available for delivery and spreading in the Tamworth Region. The product is composted and matured over a minimum of 12 weeks and is monitored to ensure destruction of pathogens and weed seeds, and to build more stable forms carbon. Each batch is tested to ensure regulatory compliance. A laboratory analysis of the product is available on request.

Our members often say that when you become part of Landcare, you’re not just joining a group, you’re becoming part of a family. The concept is so compatible with Australian culture it’s hard not to get involved! By becoming a TRLA member, you’ll be supporting our work, learning new skills, becoming part of the solution, and helping to make a difference for the future.


together we can make a difference

funding support

Did you know (TRLA) run an Annual Small Grants program for Landcare activities connected to the Tamworth region.

Volunteer Landcare and Grassroots Community groups can apply up to $2,500 for activities that meet an objective of TRLA’s strategic plan with eight successful projects being awarded funds from across the region.